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Harry Christophers & The Sixteen Chords

Harry Christophers & The Sixteen Chords

741 jam sessions
Purcell - Dido & Aeneas - When I am laid in earth (Dido's lament) Elin Manahan Thomas chords
Purcell - Dido & Aeneas - When I am laid in earth (Dido's lament) Elin Manahan Thomas
Purcell - Dido & Aeneas - When I am laid in earth (Dido's lament) Elin Manahan Thomas
350 jam sessionschords: C♯⁷F♯ₘBₘC♯
I saw the Lord - Stainer chords
I saw the Lord - Stainer
I saw the Lord - Stainer
63 jam sessionschords: GCDGₘ
Tomás Luis de Victoria - Salve Regina chords
Tomás Luis de Victoria - Salve Regina
Tomás Luis de Victoria - Salve Regina
12 jam sessionschords: FₘE♭CF
Herbert Howells - A Spotless Rose (w/score) chords
Herbert Howells - A Spotless Rose (w/score)
Herbert Howells - A Spotless Rose (w/score)
12 jam sessionschords: AEEₘB
Grace Davidson - Vespers of 1610: Dixit Dominus chords
Grace Davidson - Vespers of 1610: Dixit Dominus
Grace Davidson - Vespers of 1610: Dixit Dominus
9 jam sessionschords: EAAₘG
The Sixteen - Chansons (1931) : 4 - Le petit village chords
The Sixteen - Chansons (1931) : 4 - Le petit village
The Sixteen - Chansons (1931) : 4 - Le petit village
6 jam sessionschords: GDGF
The Sixteen - Pärt: De Profundis chords
The Sixteen - Pärt: De Profundis
The Sixteen - Pärt: De Profundis
6 jam sessionschords: CEₘGD
The Sixteen - Monteverdi: Christe adoramus te chords
The Sixteen - Monteverdi: Christe adoramus te
The Sixteen - Monteverdi: Christe adoramus te
6 jam sessionschords: GAₘEA
The Sixteen - MacMillan: A Child's Prayer chords
The Sixteen - MacMillan: A Child's Prayer
The Sixteen - MacMillan: A Child's Prayer
6 jam sessionschords: EADB
The Sixteen - Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel, SWV411 chords
The Sixteen - Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel, SWV411
The Sixteen - Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel, SWV411
6 jam sessionschords: GFCB♭
Palestrina: Tota pulchra es, amica mea - Sixteen chords
Palestrina: Tota pulchra es, amica mea - Sixteen
Palestrina: Tota pulchra es, amica mea - Sixteen
6 jam sessionschords: CGCF
Grace Davidson - Vespers of 1610: Ave maris stella chords
Grace Davidson - Vespers of 1610: Ave maris stella
Grace Davidson - Vespers of 1610: Ave maris stella
6 jam sessionschords: ADDₘC
Tomás Luis de Victoria - Regina Caeli, laetare chords
Tomás Luis de Victoria - Regina Caeli, laetare
Tomás Luis de Victoria - Regina Caeli, laetare
6 jam sessionschords: A♭D♭E♭B♭
Lotti - Crucifixus - The 16 chords
Lotti - Crucifixus - The 16
Lotti - Crucifixus - The 16
6 jam sessionschords: GCₘD♯C
Gabriel Fauré: Requiem ~ Agnus Dei chords
Gabriel Fauré: Requiem ~ Agnus Dei
Gabriel Fauré: Requiem ~ Agnus Dei
6 jam sessionschords: CFDₘA♯
The Sixteen - Goodall: The Lord is My Shepherd chords
The Sixteen - Goodall: The Lord is My Shepherd
The Sixteen - Goodall: The Lord is My Shepherd
4 jam sessionschords: GₘCFDₘ
The Sixteen - The Complete Funeral Music For Queen Mary (1695) - Order Of Service At The Burial Of The Dead:... chords
The Sixteen - The Complete Funeral Music For Queen Mary (1695) - Order Of Service At The Burial Of The Dead:...
The Sixteen - The Complete Funeral Music For Queen Mary (1695) - Order Of Service At The Burial Of The Dead:...
4 jam sessionschords: G♯ₘD♯⁷G♯G♯ₘ
Palestrina: Missa Hodie Christus natus est - Credo - Sixteen chords
Palestrina: Missa Hodie Christus natus est - Credo - Sixteen
Palestrina: Missa Hodie Christus natus est - Credo - Sixteen
4 jam sessionschords: FB♭GE♭
The Sixteen - The Deer’s Cry chords
The Sixteen - The Deer’s Cry
The Sixteen - The Deer’s Cry
13 jam sessionschords: AAₘFE
Vivaldi - Gloria - 7 - Domine Fili Unigenite chords
Vivaldi - Gloria - 7 - Domine Fili Unigenite
Vivaldi - Gloria - 7 - Domine Fili Unigenite
3 jam sessionschords: F♯ₘBEA
Edgar Bainton - And I saw a new heaven (score video) chords
Edgar Bainton - And I saw a new heaven (score video)
Edgar Bainton - And I saw a new heaven (score video)
3 jam sessionschords: ADₘA♯D
The Sixteen - This day Christ was Born chords
The Sixteen - This day Christ was Born
The Sixteen - This day Christ was Born
3 jam sessionschords: GCFA♯
Vivaldi - Gloria - 5 - Propter magnam gloriam - The 16 chords
Vivaldi - Gloria - 5 - Propter magnam gloriam - The 16
Vivaldi - Gloria - 5 - Propter magnam gloriam - The 16
3 jam sessionschords: B♭E♭ₘE♭A♭ₘ
The Sixteen - Ave verum corpus, K618 chords
The Sixteen - Ave verum corpus, K618
The Sixteen - Ave verum corpus, K618
3 jam sessionschords: A⁷DAE⁷
Palestrina: Nigra sum - Sixteen chords
Palestrina: Nigra sum - Sixteen
Palestrina: Nigra sum - Sixteen
3 jam sessionschords: FₘB♭ₘCCₘ
The Sixteen - Mass in B minor: Chorus: Dona nobis pacem chords
The Sixteen - Mass in B minor: Chorus: Dona nobis pacem
The Sixteen - Mass in B minor: Chorus: Dona nobis pacem
3 jam sessionschords: A♭D♭B♭ₘG♭
Beati Quorum Via - Stanford chords
Beati Quorum Via - Stanford
Beati Quorum Via - Stanford
9 jam sessionschords: D♭E♭A♭F
The Sixteen - Messiah: Part 3, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Chorus) chords
The Sixteen - Messiah: Part 3, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Chorus)
The Sixteen - Messiah: Part 3, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Chorus)
3 jam sessionschords: D♭A♭FₘE♭
Lassus: Resonet in laudibus - Sixteen chords
Lassus: Resonet in laudibus - Sixteen
Lassus: Resonet in laudibus - Sixteen
3 jam sessionschords: B♭CFDₘ