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梅林茂 Chords

梅林茂 Chords

1196 jam sessions
In The Mood For Love - Yumeji's Theme chords
In The Mood For Love - Yumeji's Theme
In The Mood For Love - Yumeji's Theme
405 jam sessionschords: CₘFₘCₘFₘ
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Beauty Song (Jia Ren Qu) - House of Flying Daggers chords
Beauty Song (Jia Ren Qu) - House of Flying Daggers
Beauty Song (Jia Ren Qu) - House of Flying Daggers
33 jam sessionschords: BABCₘ
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Kathleen Battle - Lovers (House of Flying Daggers OST) chords
Kathleen Battle - Lovers (House of Flying Daggers OST)
Kathleen Battle - Lovers (House of Flying Daggers OST)
63 jam sessionschords: EₘCDE
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2046 - Shigeru Umebayashi - Main Theme chords
2046 - Shigeru Umebayashi - Main Theme
2046 - Shigeru Umebayashi - Main Theme
49 jam sessionschords: EₘAₘEₘGₘ
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Shigeru Umebayashi - Yumeji's Theme Extended Version (In The Mood For Love OST) chords
Shigeru Umebayashi - Yumeji's Theme Extended Version (In The Mood For Love OST)
Shigeru Umebayashi - Yumeji's Theme Extended Version (In The Mood For Love OST)
40 jam sessionschords: CₘFₘGG⁷
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2046 Main Theme (With Percussion) chords
2046 Main Theme (With Percussion)
2046 Main Theme (With Percussion)
12 jam sessionschords: GGₘDB♭ₘ
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Shigeru Umebayashi _ George's Waltz (2) chords
Shigeru Umebayashi _ George's Waltz (2)
Shigeru Umebayashi _ George's Waltz (2)
12 jam sessionschords: FA⁷DₘC
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A Single Man (Soundtrack) - 05 George's Waltz chords
A Single Man (Soundtrack) - 05 George's Waltz
A Single Man (Soundtrack) - 05 George's Waltz
9 jam sessionschords: DₘCB♭C
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Lovers - Mei and Jin chords
Lovers - Mei and Jin
Lovers - Mei and Jin
26 jam sessionschords: CDEₘA
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2046 main theme (rumba version) chords
2046 main theme (rumba version)
2046 main theme (rumba version)
26 jam sessionschords: GₘB♭ₘDₘD
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Shigeru Umebayashi - Tsushima Suite: III. Bushido chords
Shigeru Umebayashi - Tsushima Suite: III. Bushido
Shigeru Umebayashi - Tsushima Suite: III. Bushido
6 jam sessionschords: DₘGₘDₘC
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Shigeru Umebayashi - Farewell No. 1 chords
Shigeru Umebayashi - Farewell No. 1
Shigeru Umebayashi - Farewell No. 1
6 jam sessionschords: Cₘ⁷CₘCₘ⁷
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Polonaise. Shigeru Umebayashi. "2046" chords
Polonaise. Shigeru Umebayashi. "2046"
Polonaise. Shigeru Umebayashi. "2046"
6 jam sessionschords: AₘDₘAₘE
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