Do you know which album was on the very first compact disc pressed in the USA? Why don’t you take a wild guess. Take your time… Okay, you can stop guessing now. It’s Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.”
If we are to believe the trailer of “Blinded by the Light,” there is no better reason to go to North America than to visit the hometown of The Boss. Seeing this new movie about the music of Bruce Springsteen we understand why.
New Formula
OMG! The British have developed a new formula which seems to be working out pretty well. Here it is: 1) take one phenomenal band from rock history; 2) make up a story line that isn’t about the band; 3) force the main character to be fascinated by the music of the band so that in the end the whole story turns out to be about the band after all.
It worked out for The Beatles in “Yesterday” and now Bruce Springsteen is jumping on the same train. Does it bother us? Of course it doesn’t! It’s just another way of looking at things. Kind of the same way Chordify works – everyone is a musician! And since we love Bruce Springsteen we just needed a reason to set up a channel for The Boss himself.
Bruce Springsteen channel
Do you want to know which songs you can expect in our brand new Bruce channel? Well, here’s a taste. How about “Born to Run”, “Thunder Road”, “Streets of Philadelphia” and “Born in the U.S.A.” – yeah, there’s always a lot of birth giving, running and street stuff going on in Bruce’s lyrics.
Time to grab your guitar and start rocking to the sound of working-class America. Don’t worry about the neighbors, they love The Boss as much as you do. Who doesn’t anyway? Happy jamming!