You are looking for the chords of a song and Chordify delivers them–it can simply be this uncomplicated. But did you know there are loads more Chordify features which you can use to your advantage? We’ve compiled a list of the best hidden features which will make jamming along even more fun and easier.

1 Chord Diagram Finder

With the help of our Chord Diagram Finder, you can find chord diagrams for almost any possible chord out there. For example, if you’re looking up a G chord, then you’ll immediately see all related minor, bar, and 7th chords. Even when you’ve created a chord yourself, our Chord Diagram Finder can help you give it the proper name. Handy!

2 Playing along offline

Playing chords offline

Playing chords offline

With the last update of our iOS app, we are now giving you the ability to use a much-requested feature: Offline Mode! High data costs are now a thing of the past, and weak internet reception is no longer an obstacle. Get your jam on, offline! Don’t have our radically awesome iOS app yet? Download this beauty here!

3 Chordify Premium Demo Channel

All the best Chordify features are all bundled in Chordify Premium; changing the playback speed, transposing chords, looping, downloading the chords as MIDI, and loads more. Do you want to get a sense of how Premium will work for you? Check out our Chordify Premium Demo Channel which is updated on a weekly basis, and experience the additional usability.

4 Change song titles in your library

Change song titles in your library

Change song titles in your library

Did you know that you can change a song’s name or artist? By changing the titles of chordified songs, you have the ability to make your library more personal and accessible. You can find this feature in the overflow menu (the three dots) to the left of a song’s title. This feature comes in handy when uploading your own music, which is described under hidden feature number 6.

5 View chord diagrams in our iOS app

View chord diagrams in our iOS app

View chord diagrams in our iOS app

When using the iOS app, you’ll only see the name of the chord when in the ‘Chord view’. If you are unsure of how to play a particular chord, longpress the chord to see the chord diagram. A great way to quickly refresh your memory while playing!

6 Upload your own music files

For those among us who really value their personal music collection; one of the most awesome Chordify Premium features is the ability to import and chordify your own songs. There’s no limit to the amount of songs you can upload, and all mp3, m4a and ogg files are supported. This way, you have all your favorite music (with chords) in one place!

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