Make Music Day is coming up. Just like every year, the 21st of June is all about picking up your instrument and playing all day long. Usually, the organization encourages you to go outside and play, but since the world changed a few months ago, just stay at home and share your jams with the hashtags #MakeMusicWithChordify, #LiveFromHome and #MakeMusicDay!

To prepare you for Make Music Day we picked some tracks from artists that are actually performing live from home on the 21st of June. Who? Well, how about the funk soldiers of the Tower of Power, or Isabella Manfredi the frontwoman of The Preatures. But wait there’s more… Josh Pyke’s in the house as well, just like his singer-songwriter colleague Michael Barnum. For more inspiration check out our Stay at Home and Jam channel.  

Make Music Day and post a track

Together with the Make Music Alliance, we encourage you to record your own track and post it on your socials on the 21st. When we say your “own” track, we mean any song you perform and record on camera. So whether it’s your version of Billie Eilish’s “Everything I wanted”, or a song you just wrote, it doesn’t matter.

Just put it out there on the 21st of June during Make Music Day and tag us and three of your friends to inspire them. And while you’re at it don’t forget to use the tags #MakeMusicWithChordify, #LiveFromHome and #MakeMusicDay so that we can see your post and share it on our own socials. Check out the songs below for some inspiration, or take a look at the Stay at Home and Jam channel.

Tower of Power – It All Comes Back

The American soul and funk band the Tower of Power are legends. The group started out in the late sixties founded by Emilio Castillo and Stephen Kupka. They crushed the charts with tracks like “Soul With a Capital S” and “What’s Hip?”. During Make Music Day they will perform live from home. If you want to jam along here’s a song that could easily be played on piano, guitar or ukulele.

“It All Comes Back” by the Tower of Power is written in the key of D minor. The chord progression is pretty compact if you use our Simplify Chords switch. Just click it and see how the chords transform from fancy seven chords in basic triads. That will help you jam to some funky soul music.

The Preatures – Is This How You Feel?

The Australian artist Isabella Manfredi – who also happens to be the lead singer of the band The Preatures – is going to perform from her crib on the longest day of the year. Wondering what kind of music she makes? Here’s a pretty cool song you can jam to during Make Music Day!

The “Is This How You Feel?” by The Preatures chords aren’t that hard to learn if you’re an intermediate player. Half of the chords are basic triads like the A chord, the D chord, and the E chord. The rest is a bit more difficult on guitar because you’ll have to use barre chords. If you don’t know what those are, just check our blog post on how to play barre chords

Josh Pyke – Warm in Winter

And yet another Aussi is performing live during Make Music Day. “How come”, you might ask? Well, the organization of Make Music Day is in partnership with Make Music Australia and Make Music China. Together they form the Make Music Alliance. But we were talking about the Josh Pyke chords to his song “Warm in Winter”

Written in the key of A major this song covers most of the basic triads from the scale of A. That’s pretty neat, because these are all the chords you already know as a beginner. Just like the previous track there are some barre chords for the guitar player, but the pianists among us will have no problem with those. Check it out and try to play along!

Michael Burnam – Universe

Do you believe that music can make the world a tiny bit better? We do! And so does Michael Burnam when you listen to the lyrics of his track “Universe”. Jamming along with this song will make you part of the Make Music Day universe and you’ll make your world a bit happier by playing it. Try it and thank us later. 

This list of songs will get you going. Hope to see you on social media with a killer track. We wrap this baby up with the words of Make Music Alliance President Aaron Friedman: “In this time of social distancing, music’s powerful role to bring us together as a community is more important than ever. While physical public gatherings may not be currently accessible, we can still stay connected and celebrate music with people around the world on June 21.” Happy jamming!

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