As Bono rightfully states in the U2 song, ‘Some days are better than others’. And by golly, these days are excellent! We’ve been selected to compete in the Shell LiveWIRE Top Ten Innovators Awards initiative. The Innovators Program is set up to endorse innovative businesses with serious growth potential. In other words, the tech industry thinks we have the potential to become the biggest, most influential music tech company on the planet! So let’s make that a reality by casting your vote today. We promise we will use our power responsibly and of course you’ll have our most humble and eternal gratitude. Chordify_vote_LiveWIRE_04 We’ve made music innovation our daily business by making it accessible to anyone with a guitar and a computer. For us, music (sweet music!) is as much of a necessity now as it has ever been. Helping people around the globe to learn their favorite songs is of course an award in itself, but the LiveWIRE Top Ten Innovators Award will really help us in achieving our ambition of leaving no (aspiring) musician behind. So Chordify’ers all around the world, cast your vote and make some noise for the future of music education! And be sure to check out our video featured on the LiveWIRE Top Innovators page. Chordify_vote_LiveWIRE_02


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