Please give a BIG round of applause… Let’s hear it for 2023! And for everyone who joined the Jamuary challenge!! [crowd goes wild] Almost 18.000 people joined the challenge, and over 37.5 thousand rounds of applause were received up until now. Over 3 million minutes (!) have been played, that equals 5.7 years of playing along in one month. And mind you; this only counts Premium users on the website. Congrats!

Healthy habits

Jamuary is the perfect time to try some new healthy habits. Especially for a rowdy rock star like yourself [wink]. But before you do the usual stuff, like quit smoking or go to gym, please don’t forget to just start jamming. 

That’s right. Chordify wants the world to live its music and therefore, we see it as our duty to motivate musicians like you. Not that you need that of course. Just wishing you a happy Jamuary and that you receive all the applause you deserve. But how?

Jamuary applause

Build a streak by playing fifteen minutes every week

To start the year off on the right foot, we challenge you to play fifteen minutes a week. It’s the average time Premium members play, so that shouldn’t be too hard. Just find your song [by Elton John for example], hit the play button and start jamming. When you hit the 15 minutes you will receive your applause for that week. That’s the easy part. The challenge comes in when you get to the second week. Can you keep your streak?

Premium and website only [for now]

Applause is only available on the website at the moment.  If this challenge becomes a success and if you show motivated behavior [no pressure] applause will follow in the Chordify apps as well. Next to that, it’s a Premium thing for now, but no worries if you don’t have a Premium subscription! There’s two options:
1 – just get yourself a Premium subscription,
2 – just play for 15 minutes a week and praise yourself for it. True happiness lies within, you don’t need us for that.

Play 15 minutes a week, get applause and build a streak.

Happy Jamuary!

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