We aim to deliver the chords of all your favorite songs with surgical precision and pinpoint accuracy. Our algorithm does the bulk of that work, but user edits give it a touch of finesse. Your edits also teach our algorithm to become more accurate and, in time, even sentient, with a proclivity for world domination and bulky cyborgs with thick Austrian accents.

We’re kidding of course, chord accuracy is all we’re going for. And some of our users have been real troopers, editing many chordified songs to perfection. So quid pro quo! The work has been put in, we want to give something back in return for being so awesome!


Right now we’re in the process of selecting the talented and tenacious folk who’ve been burning the midnight oil, ensuring Chordify is the most accurate platform for chords in the world. Using an objective algorithm, we’re looking at the number of songs and chords, as well as the amount of chords per song individual users have edited each month. Of course, we will determine the quality of those edits using a couple of other variables. Based on that, we can calculate a user score and, lo and behold, generate a list of cool people we can reward for their hard work.


Awesome! What can I win?

Our eternal gratitude! Okay, some cool stuff too. We’ll be giving away free Premium subscriptions, Premium vouchers with which to surprise your friends and many more perks and privileges. If you’ve made it to the League of Extraordinary Editors, we will contact you by email next week and give you all the details. So make sure you keep checking your inbox!

I want free stuff and admiration too! How can I become a Top Editor?  

One does not simply become a Top Editor. One needs to possess all the hallmarks of a champion, true grit and a dash of moxie.  But mostly, one needs to start editing songs. And you’ll need to register of course, so we can keep track of your heroic editing prowess and contact you when you are ready, young padawan. Are you up for it? Go, go, go!

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