We’ve got some really cool news for all you aspiring songwriters and producers. We’re teaming up with with fellow music tech startup Rocket Songs, so if you want to take your passion for music to the next level and make your mark on the industry, these guys have got you covered. Rocket Songs lets you license songs from some of the biggest and hottest songwriters in the US.

What do most successful pop artists have in common? Talent of course, but they also work with great songwriters. They have access to the greatest and most expensive songwriters, hired guns like Max Martin, and the ability to populate the most popular playlists. They make hits, because they can pay for those hits and rocket launch them into stratospheric awareness.

So what has that got to do with you? Well, with Rocket songs, you don’t need to be backed by a big label or fork over tons of cash to work with the cream of the crop. They’ve got a platform where you can find the songs that fit your voice and taste and just buy the license directly through Rocket Songs, regardless whether you just need the beats or a sample, or the master tape of the whole song.

RS_Blogpost_Studio(picture by: Rafabendo)

Rocket Songs lets you license professional quality tracks, and just to give you an idea of the level of quality, The Voice Kids Dutch finalist Bodine is currently working on an album, in collaboration with Rocket Songs.

Our very own ‘The Dutch Voice Kids’ finalist Bodine works with RocketSongs too!

To kick things off with our awesome and official collaboration, we’ve got an exclusive channel, where you can check a cool selection of featured songs and different genres. Of course this partnership works both ways, so we’ll be supplying the chords for all the new songs of all you soon to be pop idols!

How it works
For songwriters and producers, the key is finding a musical puzzle piece that closely matches your musical personality, creative vision, and genre. Rocket Songs is betting that you’ll be able to make this match a lot quicker, simply because they’ve done the pre-selecting and curation for you. So, think of Tinder with only great-looking people with winning personalities that match your idea of a perfect hook-up (or uh, long-term relationship), and you get the idea.

RocketSongs lets you pick genres, moods, and more to match your idea of a perfect song

Once that matching process is complete, it’s on to licensing. There are four different licenses you can choose from, depending on what the level of access the owner authorizes: Standard License, Expanded License, Exclusive License, and Master Use License. Each offers successively broader access to things like core recording elements (or stems), with exclusivity as a protection guarantee.

Basically, if you want the greatest level of freedom and exclusive usage, the Master Use License makes the most sense. If you need a quick, non-exclusive or limited use of a component, the Standard License saves you a lot of money. But overall, the whole idea behind Rocket Songs is to dramatically reduce the costs involved acquiring hit-ready material (think about a discount from the millions to the thousands and you got the model).


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