UE hide out campaign_no_logo Over at Chordify we’re always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance your music experience. And boy oh boy, for this year’s Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) we’ve found something truly special for you. Urbanears characteristically loves bringing together music, so on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, during Amsterdam’s music festivities in October, The View will serve as the home base for the Swedish team of musical engineers (Urbanears team) and their exclusive Hideout. This place will let you escape, day and night, from the dull and weary business life. Offering you shelter in a musical oasis where relaxation, entertainment and creativity will thrill your senses. During the day, all visitors are welcome for drinks, food, innovation and entertainment. A pampering room for some hangover healing, creative Pecha Kucha presentations, artistic morning exercises and a whole lot more. And we haven’t even gotten to all the amazing food that’s being delivered by the Food Line Up. zinken_ADE15_TS_1 copy_crop Now the Urbanears Hideout sounds pretty cool, but those guys are about make it sound even better as Urbanears will be displaying their Limited Edition Zinken ADE headphones exclusively that weekend! All this is just a taste of all the exciting stuff that’s going down over in Amsterdam. Trust us, you don’t want to be missing out on this one. We sure won’t be!

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