We are happy to announce new and improved features on chordify.net. You can now search your favourite streaming service from the Chordify homepage. Furthermore, Premium users can print the chords as seen on screen, and we increased the number of free PDF and MIDI downloads.

Embedded search on homepage

There is no need to paste a URL on the Chordify homepage to chordify your favourite music anymore. As of today, you can search Deezer, Youtube and SoundCloud from the Chordify homepage. Just search by typing! Embedded search on homepage A bold song has been chordified before and other titles will be chordified for you on the fly. You can still paste URLs like you are used to, of course, but searching is even easier!

Print the chords as seen on screen

Just hit your browser’s print button and print out the chords on paper, or save them as a PDF with the same familiar appearance. Chordify Premium users can print as many songs as they like! Print chords

More free PDF and MIDI downloads for Premium users

On top of our new printing feature, we relaxed the limitations on PDF and MIDI downloads. Previously, Chordify Premium users were able to download 50 PDF and MIDI files per month. Due to popular demand we have increased this number to 200 downloads per month!

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