Please read the following paragraph out loud in your best and lowest movie trailer narrator voice: In a world, where chordified songs are not always as accurate as they could be, one brave user stands up for quality. Armed with true grit, catchy one-liners and an all new 5-star rating system, he takes matters into his own hands, handing out stars and rating the quality of all songs. He is judge, jury and executioner… this January, justice is served. rating Wield the power of judgement. With stars! So there it is, you can now assess the quality of chordified songs with our 5-star rating system Wrong chords? Is the timing a little off? Or does it in fact achieve sheer perfection? You be the judge! But don’t just drop the hammer of justice for inaccurate songs. If a song is spot on, give it five stars. If the quality can be eloquently classified as “meh…” why not give it two or three stars? Good or bad, our algorithm will learn from it, so be stern, but just, when put your scores on the board. 4-stars Why are we doing this? Well, in time, we’ll be able to give you better suggestions and our chord recognition technology will learn from your appraisal. It’s all about giving you the best Chordify experience and pinpoint accuracy and your ratings will help us do just that. And if you have feedback or suggestions, be sure to let us know! We’re always looking to improve things, and we sure as hell can’t do without you guys and gals. So what are you waiting for? Let your mouse be your hammer, review some songs and hit the gavel with a click, while you serve judgement with catchy one-liners like “Court’s adjourned!”, “I am the law!” or “Justice is served!” Trust us, it’s guaranteed satisfaction.

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