Every year in May, the continent of Europe (and Australia, I guess?) transforms into one big, campy, shiny spectacle. Burning pianos, glittery costumes and fusion genres you’ve never heard of before: It’s time for the Eurovision Song Contest! And from batsh*t crazy to breathtakingly beautiful, this year’s contest has got it all. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite entries for you to jam along with.

Cornelia Jakobs – Hold Me Closer (Sweden)

What starts off as a simple break-up ballad builds to a massive Adele-Meets-Robyn electropop spectacle that will get viewers hooked. With her gritty, raw vocals and authentic stage presence, Cornelia perfectly conveys the kind of devastating heartbreak that most of us can probably relate to. We expect her to snatch up quite a few points on Saturday. 

Chanel – SloMo (Spain)

Now this is what we call a BOP! The beat is irresistible and the choreography is simply insane. Chanel absolutely owns the stage with this Latin Pop fest. With so many ballads and mid-tempo numbers at this year’s ESC, “SloMo” is definitely going to stand out with its infectious energy. Be prepared to move the furniture to dance along with this one. 

Subwoolfer – Give That Wolf A Banana (Norway)

Nonsensical lyrics? Check! Bizarre costumes? Check! A hook that is almost too catchy? Check! “Give That Wolf a Banana” is quintessential Eurovision. The production is too slick to simply label this as yet another gimmicky joke entry. Songs that are as weird as they are wonderful often do well at the ESC, so we’re dying to find out where Norway’s banana-loving, minion-like space wolves will end up. 

S10 – De Diepte (Netherlands)

Come on, we have to talk about our home country’s entry! Especially when we’re sending alt-pop queen S10 to represent us this year. She takes the topic of mental health and turns it into a stunning, well-produced pop song with haunting vibes and chilling lyrics. The emotional performance will resonate with the audience and will most definitely win her quite a few points.

Amanda Tenjford – Die Together (Greece)

There’s something desperate and urgent about Greece’s entry. “It’s been a hell of a year, and we’ve been living in fear”, Amanda sings with a hypnotizing and dark intensity. It recalls the dramatics of ancient Greek tragedies, and it’s hard not to relate to this song on some level. Everything works here, from her vocals to the stunning stage production and performance. Every ESC needs a good tear-jerker, and this might just be it.

Rosa Linn – Snap (Armenia)

After two more somber songs, Armenia is here to lift our spirits with Rosa Linn’s “Snap.” It’s almost impossible to listen to this song and not immediately think of The Lumineers — relaxing yet catchy, with an anthemic chorus. No matter how this song fares at the ESC, it will definitely end up in many people’s “Lazy Sunday” playlist. Happy jamming!

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