Hey, did you know that the Chordify team consists of 13 different nationalities? We’re pretty excited and proud to have such a diverse group of people pulling the strings (ha!) behind the scenes! 

Liberation Day

All the way back during Chordify’s inception days, however, the team still consisted of our four Dutch founders. And to this day, we’re located in The Netherlands, in our Groningen and Utrecht offices. It’s undeniable that there is something Dutch in Chordify’s DNA, and while we strive for diversity, we also embrace our red, white and blue roots. 

Which is why every year, we celebrate Liberation Day (Bevrijdigingsdag) here in the Netherlands. May 5th, which is preceded by Remembrance Day on May 4th, is an important holiday over here, as it commemorates the day of the Dutch liberation from German occupation. Liberation Day follows Remembrance Day, which honours those who have given their lives during peacekeeping operations. 

Helping out Ukrainian refugees

Over the years, the Dutch Liberation Day has evolved to encompass the celebration of freedom at large. People young and old take to the streets and festival grounds to partake in festivities that honor and acknowledge how fortunate they are to live in freedom and independence. 

Of course, the day also reminds us that not everyone is as fortunate and privileged, and the current events in Ukraine serve as a sobering reminder.

This year, to celebrate Liberation Day, we chose to support the Sounds of Change Foundation. Facilitating the powers of music, Sounds of Change works with young people in refugee camps and marginalised communities. The way the wonderful people at Sounds of Change transform and enrich the lives of traumatized people by encouraging them to connect with music is something that deeply resonates with us and what we stand for in this world. 

Care for the world

The project Chordify supports this year is Trauma Support Ukraine. TSU aims to provide specialized training to Dutch, German and Ukrainian health care professionals and to provide long-term care and support to Ukrainian refugees. 

At Chordify, our purpose is to make the world live its music. We cannot do this without caring for the world first.

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