He appeared in “Hook” and “Jurassic World”, wrote musicals for Broadway, inspired generations of adventurers with his music, and he’s touring Europe and the U.S. again this month. Hell yeah! Get out your Aloha shirt, pour yourself a margarita, and prepare for Jimmy Buffett’s new album Life on the Flip Sidecheck out the Jimmy Buffett Channel to learn the classics.

Who would have thought that a trip between Austin, Texas, and Key West, Florida, would not only produce a world famous song. But a whole franchise with several branches such as a record label, books, a restaurant chain and a retirement home. Jimmy Buffet certainly didn’t.

Jimmy Buffett 

He is living the American dream and—in line with the dream—this cheerful entrepreneur worked hard for it. Jimmy Buffett started out his musical career at the end of the 1960s in the country headquarters of the world: Nashville, Tennessee. He devoted himself to this genre on his debut album Down to Earth.

This is a period of soul searching, in which he develops several aspects of his characteristic easygoing, beach-bum persona. His charismatic way of communicating with the audience, making jokes, responding to on-the-spot situations, can be traced back to the time after his recordings of Down to Earth, in which he lived a busking life as a street musician. 


After an adventurous journey between Texas and Florida, Jimmy ended up in Key West—an island connected to mainland by the beautiful U.S. Route 1. While looking at the tourists and enjoying the sun, the young artist started sipping on a drink that was totally new to him: the margarita. He was hooked and from that moment onward this cocktail became a recurring theme in his songs and businesses—hence Margaritaville.

Florida is known for good weather, crystal clear water, and an adventurous atmosphere. The young musician is inspired. He can totally identify with this laidback vibe. Slowly but surely Buffett starts inventing his own genre: gulf and western. In it he combines his love for country with tropical-themed lyrics as you can hear on Life on the Flip Side.

Jimmy Buffett Channel

“Wow! How do I become a Parrothead and how do I get my hands on some good margaritas while singing along with ‘Down at the Lah De Dah’?!” No worries, we’re going to share the secret. Before you start this step-by-step plan, it’s useful to tune your guitar, create an account on Chordify, make a Hawaiian lei, and get the supplies and ingredients for a margarita. 

Once you’ve done the preliminary work, follow this guide to get the ultimate Jimmy Buffet vibe:

  1. Put on your Aloha shirt.
  2. Grab your guitar. 
  3. Pour yourself—and at least one person from the audience—a margarita.
  4. Open Chordify’s Jimmy Buffett Channel which contains all of Jimmy’s favorite songs—and even some new unreleased tracks—handpicked by the artist himself.
  5. Start playing along. 
  6. Play as many songs as you can.
  7. Have another margarita.
  8. Enjoy the applause of your audience in front of you—or the one in your head.
  9. Throw your Hawaiian lei into the audience.  
  10. You feel the vibe, right? Oh yeah… Happy jamming!
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